Goodness me has anyone seen the rain these past few days? It has been pouring so much that I think it has even made the fish drown. Obviously someone down here has pissed off The Big Guy residing up there.
That said, it hasn't made driving any easier. Since rain decreases visibility and your good judgment, you have to drive slower as dictated so clearly by the sleep-intoxicated instructor sitting on your left. It isn't a monotonous experience by far, but rather a scary one. To make matters worse I have my lessons at night now, where every driver on the road is seemingly hell-bent on getting home in the fastest time possible at the fastest speed imaginable. Couple that with lights reflected everywhere and fogged mirrors, and you have a recipe for pee-in-your-pants, knuckle-whitening moments.
Still I managed to hang on and not get stabbed by a random guy in a Suzuki. It's not really that difficult to drive in the night, really. It's your instructor that makes you nervous, with comments like "Aiya you see, like that instant failure", "no no nooooo, cannot cut like that, must slower feelter into the lane". Worse thing was he was taking me on various test routes and familiarizing me with the different routes I might encounter. So it was 2 hours worth of test routes 1, 3, 5 and 9, with me screwing up on test route 5 because I didn't turn in time. Screw the rain.
I don't need no steenkin rain.
That said, it hasn't made driving any easier. Since rain decreases visibility and your good judgment, you have to drive slower as dictated so clearly by the sleep-intoxicated instructor sitting on your left. It isn't a monotonous experience by far, but rather a scary one. To make matters worse I have my lessons at night now, where every driver on the road is seemingly hell-bent on getting home in the fastest time possible at the fastest speed imaginable. Couple that with lights reflected everywhere and fogged mirrors, and you have a recipe for pee-in-your-pants, knuckle-whitening moments.
Still I managed to hang on and not get stabbed by a random guy in a Suzuki. It's not really that difficult to drive in the night, really. It's your instructor that makes you nervous, with comments like "Aiya you see, like that instant failure", "no no nooooo, cannot cut like that, must slower feelter into the lane". Worse thing was he was taking me on various test routes and familiarizing me with the different routes I might encounter. So it was 2 hours worth of test routes 1, 3, 5 and 9, with me screwing up on test route 5 because I didn't turn in time. Screw the rain.
I don't need no steenkin rain.
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