Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Constant Reminder

Plastic substrate for OLED. Time to pull up my socks and realise that this project I'm undertaking now is more important than ever. If those few words meant nothing to you, don't worry yet because if our plan goes through, my group will be the first polytechnic students ever to create something astonishing, totally mindblowing and you heard about it here first! Not exactly something brand new and unheard of, because it's seen development elsewhere, but this might be the first time it sees development in the hands of rank amateurs. Keep your fingers tightly crossed laydeez and gennermen.

Anyway owing to the urging of a certain Sabrina, I have now added words into my blog to produce an entry! *shock horror* Speaking of which, I met her today for dinner. Walked around a bit till we discovered Pastamania at Bugis, where we ate. Walked around after that, talked shop and then went home, me sending her to her station before that cos I figured I had time to burn. But Jerold and Bert were at AMK Hub and they had to go soon. Not one for missing a session of TCSS I rushed down and as usual, the sound of the Kopitiam echoed to jokes which only we could understand and laughter which, well, only we could laugh. Long and loud. LOL.

Cleaning the clean room tomorrow. I am not joking.

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