Wednesday, December 05, 2007


The rain.
Who'd have ever thought it could be so relaxing to feel it, so therapeutic to walk through, so conducive to sedate thoughts and pedantic steps? Whenever I'm walking through rain, I always think of myself as some sort of army special forces person. You know in those military-themed movies, they invariably contain a scene where those blackened-face, menacing army special forces heroes are crouching in the jungle, eyes down the barrels of their weapons, sweeping their surroundings, rain pouring down on them, but never flinching, primed and ready to attack some target. They're always all muscular and deeply tanned, conditioned after years of mental and physical training. Besides being in rain as they are, the sad truth is that I have nothing else in common with them. The notion that I'm as fit or clever as them is completely rubbish. I'm about as far away from being a special forces soldier as George Bush is from being eloquent.

As they said, you've gotta have a dream.

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