Thursday, April 10, 2008

Working @ Anchorpoint

So yesterday was the start of working at Anchorpoint, which to me is off the coast of Mars, which is in turn situated off the meridian of Jupiter. To wonder why they I  - out of the gazillion employees that TCC has - got chosen to staff this brand new outlet is a mystery because 1) I hardly live anywhere near there and 2) I've never been to Anchorpoint. Obviously these two factors don't matter to TCC because regardless, they've shoved me there.

And I've broken a glass on the first day on the job. =D The boss doesn't know about it. Shh. 

The best thing I think about working there is that the staff are all generally very nice people who genuinely want to welcome you. When I first walked into the outlet I was greeted by the very nice manager and the service captain, plus the other staff who worked there. Stark contrast indeed to my former outlet at Bugis where most of the staff there are pretty anal about everything and perpetually seem to have cattle prods shoved up their behinds. With the electricity turned on. Full. Constantly. It's such a pleasure to be working there.

But I've decided to quit after the end of next week, as per my resolution couple of days back. I honestly don't think I can cope with holding two jobs and a hectic year all rolled into one. It's going to stress me out and that's not right. Joyce also wants to quit soon and I think she's doing that right about now. I wanted to transfer to her outlet but I think they mightn't allow it because the Anchorpoint outlet just opened 2 days back and they're seriously understaffed. 


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