Friday, April 18, 2008

School work (in that order)

Gosh I'm so tired from all that work. Boss has asked me to stay one more week till the end of the month because apparently it takes two weeks for my resignation letter to be processed.

How come they can't just kick me out now and SHOW ME THE THE MONEY?

Oh right, the money. Apparently that's not gonna be instant either because they have to process the claims for 3 weeks or so before I get to see a nice large stack of blue Yusoff Ishaks in my wallet. They said that I am a part timer and hence need to wait a bit longer for your pay compared to your full-time counterparts. That plus the fact that they pay all their part timers in cold hard cash. Well I don't mind working an extra week. I just get more money. Thank you TCC for making my decision easier whether to buy that pair of red Ferrari-themed Pumas or a classic black-and-white. And oh plus a couple of extra Nintendo DS Lite games too.

It's not going to be long before I start school proper. This week isn't counted as much since it's the first week and the lecturers are all still on holiday rather than the students. But I have gotten a taste for school and so far it's looking quite manageable. The lectures are straightforward and engaging and the work isn't tough. Well again, that leaves much to be said as yet.

Life's looking up for now.

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