Monday, April 21, 2008

Through the Fire and Flames and everything else

Sorry Gilbert for bastardizing that title but I think it's tastefully done don't you think?

Whew I have just finished creating SPAVC's new blog. Not too shabby a job but it definitely needs some sandpapering, especially needing some graphics and little other tidbits here and there and that would make it almost perfect, if a bit dull.

And I've just realised that Firefox 3 Beta 5 screws up its own built-in dictionary. Some words that I had used on the virgin post on the club blog were obviously wrong yet the browser didn't make a single attempt to draw a red line under them to indicate that they were incorrect. And now it has just drawn a line under "didn't" to show me that such a contraction is obviously wrong, that the computer knows better and that I should shoot myself. Comforting.

School's starting tomorrow! New challenges! New work! New encounters! New shit! I believe I'll weather it through because as you can see from my obvious and expressive outburst of newfound enthusiasm for school, it shall guide me through my darkest hours. Though I do have a flash on my phone camera.

Things are looking up in general. I haven't felt this good in a while. And I do owe Joyce a huge thank you for doing what she did. It's an indeed warm and genuine gesture on her part to have helped me partly solve a problem that had existed. I'm not sure whether that problem is gone but since she wants to help me, I've no qualms about facing it. Goodness me since when had I become emo?

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