Thursday, October 12, 2006

mostly real happenings

They built the schoolhouse with simple tools, but have now called in excavators to tear down the schoolhouse in which 5 Amish schoolgirls were shot at point blank range in Penn., USA. An ironic twist to a terrible incident. Bart County chief says it will bring them some closure. I don't know how much closure you can get when your kid has had her head blown off by some crazed gunman. I know what I will do if that were my kid. I'd blow the bastard's head off too.

Sept 11 happened all over again. A light plane piloted by Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle and his instructor crashed into a skyscraper in the heart of Manhattan on Wednesday. The log book has been found, together with the prop and engine. Oddly enough, investigators have not confirmed that a mayday signal had been sent out from the plane prior to impact. The crash "ignited a fire and sent up smoke that could be seen across the city skyline" as according to Eyewitness accounts report that the plane was seen to be "banking very steeply", which is unusual for a light plane. Both Lidle and his instructor were killed, instantly maybe. God bless their souls.

Was made the class clown today. Was playing CS when Audrey traipsed along and decided to give me a spot of tattooing. Whipping out my highlighter, she proceeded to decorate both my arms with my name IN BRIGHT PINK. All this time I was amusing others with my, yes, squeals. Since I had put on a high pitch for fun, the rest of the time, I was either known as gay, sissy, girl, or all three. In someone's words, "even the girls don't sound like that". I'm not to blame, geddit? How'd you expect me to punch holes in someone with my M4 carbine when I couldn't even GET MY HAND ON MY MOUSE, let alone press my left button. Jesus. Played soccer later, which left me with an aching hand.

Am I too sensitive? Sometimes I think I am, and I really hate myself for having this "high sensitivity". I interpret some sentences as offensive and probably reply in the same fashion, eg the hurt and offended tone, when that person mightn't mean it at all. I feel like crap.

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