Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ich habe Stress!!!

i can't believe i spent 2 hours yesterday in Changi Airport's Macs, eating like a trashcan and pecking away at my laptop. but i managed to type out elisha's compo. i'm such a bloody nice guy.

played soccer today. i was in goal. can't believe i played so well for my second time. at least i didn'thave butterfingers. kept many a shot out from goal. i need to improve badly, otherwise i'll never make it. it was lovely though, never played such a fast game like that before. it really taxed me. now i'm aching all over, plenty.

audrey's been lending me so many CDs over these past few days. man. i can never thank her enough. it's like, whoa. one day i get an armload of CDs on Final Fantasy that i never knew i loved. and just today, i got another armload of LOTR soundtrack CDs. man i hand to hand carry them back home. couldn't leave them in my bag otherwise they'd get squashed to a pulp, and so will i if she found out. i've like heard close to a hundred different songs i never knew existed in the past few days. THANKS AUDREY :)

the pace of school is going at light speed now. i barely can understand half of what's being taught in class. i envy others who can grasp the concept so fast. how the shit are they able to do that? sometimes when i don't understand the concept, i get really frustrated. it's like there is a block in my head, preventing me from understanding it.

argh. my head isn't working. i'll have to sleep soon. i'll update more tomorrow.

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