Thursday, June 26, 2008


"Echelon 2-9, fifteen thousand heavy, come around to two-one-seven, maintain flight level three-eight-five."
"Roger Sentry, coming round now. Where's the sonofabitch?"
"Ah, he's, ah, at two-one-zero at four-two miles"
"Fuck him. What the hell's he doing? He's been there for the past hour."
"No idea, Echelon. He's been keeping pace at that exact speed and position. We're working on it"
"Damn well better hurry up. If he shoots one more of those things the gloves are off, man."
"Careful Echelon. We don't know what this new stuff can do. It's totally untested."
"Yeah but I don't give a shit. Thing is, he's - oh shit he launched! He launched! Fucker just fired! Fuck!"
"Echelon, break, break, break. Vector one-zero-five, deploy chaff. Echelon. Echelon, do you copy?"
"Echelon, Sentry. Do you copy?"
"Echelon. Do you copy?"
"Echelon. Do you copy?"
"Echelon come in, this is Sentry."


My right ankle's busted man. And it felt worse than previous days. Monday when it happened, everything was fine, even if it was a bit painful. But today, 4 days after I went running, it simply became worse. Like it's completely broken, though of course that's not the case.

I need some ligaments!

Exams are going to be over tomorrow and none too soon, thank goodness. Even though I know exams are a way of testing yourself and seeing how much you know yadda yadda but hell, who likes examinations?

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