Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July and chicken rice

Bah I've been so lazy to blog these few days. Must be the horrid weather I think. Everytime I go out, I feel like I'm breathing through a sponge and that a small weather system must have formed inside my clothes. It's beastly. Honestly I think it would be cooler inside a blast furnace at full power. With me inside an anorak. With double insulation.

It's 4th of July! Happy Independence Day USA! Sadly our single day of rejoice for our beloved country is a couple of months away. And I maintain that that is probably the only day I feel proud of Singapore, the rest of them being spent on bitchings and grumblings about high COE prices, endless fare hikes and that expensive chicken rice which used to be $2 a plate. Enough is enough, I say. It's time we petitioned the Government and make them give us cheap chicken rice. This preposterous increment in food prices cannot be tolerated.

Bah I'm just rambling here cos I dunno what else to say. Plenty of things that I could talk about, naturally but I can't be bothered to announce them to the world because 1. no one could be bothered and 2. the $2 plate of chicken rice will still be $3.50.

God Save US.

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