I swear I didn't drink that much, fellas. No really. I was totally sober. Clear as day. Ok, now about that castle of mine I was telling you about.....
Chalet was absolutely fun. There happened so many superDUPERfunny episodes that I really couldn't recount all even if I tried. What i do know is that i got abominably - yes, abominably, that's the word - drunk, and made a damn fool out of myself even more than what I already am (a particular nurse i know well is going to kill me). Had only one cup of Chivas and the world became a planetarium of stars. To top it off, Alan had to go around smearing every living soul in sight with cream. I yelled "Cake fight!" but no-one seemed to listen. So there I was, desperately shielding my camera through my liquor induced haze, yelling "F*** who smeared me again?!?" and trying to wallpaper Audrey (who by the way exacted revenge on me) with cream. I got a few clean, neat shots in but she had me cold when I saw a fistful of cream headed my way. Ducking was out of the question, so I ended up looking like a makeup artist's worst nightmare. I think I visited the bathroom nearly 5 times to clear that goo off my face and hair. Thank you Audrey for giving me my first lesson in makeup artistry. Piece of cake.
With a headful of dead gray matter and a healthy disregard for "Don't drink and drive", I set off with Audrey, Elisha, Louis, Yiming for a bike trip. It was pure fun all the way, and in case you fellas are wondering, I could still cycle in a straight line, thank you very much. We went as far as the park could go, which was at the, er, can't remember. Anyway we did a U turn back and stopped on the way at the hawker centre for sugarcane drinks. I drank my packet in less than 8 gulps and promptly had brain freeze, not that there was much brain left after my Chivas fiasco. By this time I was feeling much better, thanks to the wind and exertion from cycling. We headed back to pit stop, then it was off again to Bedok jetty to play Uno. The stupidest thing I kept doing was throwing down my card, thinking I had won, only to realise it wasn't my turn. It didn't take the others much brain power to figure out what card I was holding on to after that. Yi Xuan pulled a phone prank on Audrey, much to our delight. Two police cars cruised towards us after our last game, just as we were going back. Me, being me, wanted to shout "Run!", but better sense prevailed.
We headed back to the chalet, where Yiming and I had a siesta after all that cycling. Audrey and Elisha (who shall now henceforth be known as A&E) however promptly got back on the bikes and went off again. Yiming and I tried to grab some Zs on any free space we could find. I even tried the staircase, and hey, it was comfortable. A&E came back after some time, which was close to 0400 or 0500, couldn't remember. Mucked around for some time before A&E went off to see the sunrise, an exercise which would soon prove to be in futility. Due to poor planning and an obvious lack of foresight, no one had brought a compass and the two only realised, after half an hour of sitting at the beachfront, that the sunrise was in fact not where they were sitting. We ended our wonderful chalet episode with a Macs breakfast after returning the bikes.
Obviously this had been a fun two days for me. More so, it showed me the fun side of my classmates which I had not seen in full swing until this day. It was refreshing to see them being carefree and talking and generally having a lot of fun. Also, it was very special for me to be able to face one of my personal dilemmas. I shan't say what it is because it is rather sensitive, but it has something to do with, ah, people relationship. I nearly came close to crossing my self-imposed ban but common sense took over and saved me. I'm now the wiser for it. Glad to have it happen to me.
Don't know whether Jo's still sick. Haven't heard from her today. Maybe I'll drop her a call tomorrow, see how she's doing and whether she's going back to work on Monday. Man, do hospitals kill or save people?
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