Sunday, January 21, 2007

a little more conversation...

-rubs hands. Ah, where do I begin, it's been a long while since I've blogged. And that's not counting that rush job of a headline review previous ;)

I'm just days away from having my final year exams. They're on the 31st, 5th and 9th. At least the good people at Scheduling did a fantastic job of spacing them out just right. What I'm really worried about is my Structured Programming test Monday tomorrow. I don't want to fail it, that's why right after this I'm gonna hit the ebook and read up all I can and practice my ass off. I'm so worried.

Things have been going just fine here, at least from my perspective. However, I've a healthy regard for Murphy's Law No. 3: If everything seems to be fine, you obviously don't know what the hell is going on.

How true, m'dear.

I have no idea what happened that night. I was stumbling over and over, like a bumbling idiot. Just couldn't make it work. At last it came out. And, well, to tell the truth, I was squeezing my eyes shut in fear of what I was gonna see. However, it wasn't as bad as I had initially feared, so it's all OK now :). Things are going a-OK for now. Let it be, for a long time to come.

Let's see what else I've missed out. Oh yeah, my 6-week holiday after my SUCCESSFUL EXAMS. I guess I'll go get a job: I really could use the extra dough. And then probably I'll go find meself a new phone. Looking at any 1 of 3 brands: Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson.

Bah, if I can't find any nice ones, I'll just stick to my K608i, a.k.a. Old Faithful. We've been through hell and high water (literally) together, thick and thin, etc. And he's still working fine as ever. Joystick's getting wonky though :(.


darling said...

All the best on your exams :) im sure youll do fantastic!

You mean to tell me theres more than one Murphys Law?? (gulp) lol

I vote for the Sony Ericsson model.

But your current one seems like it will live a while still :)

the other person said...

thanks for the advice, darling. i think my phone will last too. save some money in the process. should save some money by not getting those new-fangled ones :)

murphy's laws are the best: i think there're like nearly 20 of them. i swear by them all. absolutely true :)

darling said...

Oh man! lol im in deep trouble then! 20!?!

Keep the money in your pocket, much better there than anywhere else.. unless its in a bank making money in interest.. you know what I mean :)
