Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So now I have a rival.

For the first time, I have one.

Think that doesn't matter?

Think again.

This is not what I like. When I like, I don't like rivals. It angers, frustrates, burns me. It eats away at me like a debilitating disease. When the goal is already in sight, the last thing I want to have is someone interfering and making me fumble the ball when the touchline is within sneezing distance.

I hate that.

So you really think you're better? You said you didn't want to make enemies. Well guess what, you probably already got one: me. Mocking me indeed? You seriously don't know what you just did.

Some of you might classify this under 'strange but true', but let me tell you, it IS real. Some of you might shake your heads and say..fighting over HER? Where's that going to get you? A black eye in the end, that's what. I don't want to have to fight, because it will look so damn ridiculous and hilarious. But if push comes to shove, I ain't the one getting shoved, let me tell you.

Probably our styles are different. He goes the 'I make things for her' and tries to charm her bra off while I take the more subtle approach, ie the one which uses stealth tactics such as craft and skulduggery. I take the less favourable approach, one that is constantly hit by crosswinds. It takes more than mere days to win someone's heart, let alone 1 1/2 weeks. I know that. She probably knows, but I can't be too sure.

I'm going to take it slow and steady. I'm going to expend my energy over a properly spaced out period of time. I am not about to jump right in and be skinned cos I did something wrong. If he wants to do that, be my guest. I want to make sure that I slowly win this battle over, that I slowly but surely can come closer to having that prize in my arms (in a way). That's just my style. I take a long time, but I win people over. That's what's makes the difference between an impression and a lasting impression. And yes, I admit that I am sincere in my feelings. That's not a crime, isn't it.

Some of you still may say: fighting over her? are you crazy?

Truth is, we probably could very well be already.

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