Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Certain sign that someone is suffering from the irrecoverable effects of stress: he starts listening to phantom Jay Chou songs on his Winamp.


Normal programming has been resumed.

It has been so busy these past few weeks that even with my mobile modem to be able to access the Net anywhere, I just don't have the inclination to do any sort of writing after I'm done with my project stuff. But for you loyal readers out there (which I know I do have quite a few) I do humbly beg your kind understanding and forgiveness for leaving you without juicy updates from my world for the past few weeks.

BMTC visit tomorrow! Now there's an interesting tidbit. Due to some anal directive by the Education Ministry to make sure poly students have all the exposure they need to prepare them for army (and apparently JC students have all gone through National Service already. Naturally...), we have been selected to go to BMTC Pulau Tekong for some pre-Freshmen Orientation. No files or free ice cream to be handed out but you can be damn sure there'll be free mosquito bites and bundled broken ankles. Thanks to this completely pointless and frankly utter time-waster, our debate preparation - another source of my constant misery now - will have to be pushed to Saturday.

School's just fantasstic sometimes. Asstic. Fan-ass-tic.

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